Rainbow Bunny Bop
In this colorful sequencing game, players race to build rainbows as fast as they can and be the first to play all of their cards. It’s a little bit co-hoperation, and little bit competition, and a whole lot of chaos.
Kids love it. Adults love it. Kids love always winning against the adults. Adults don’t love that part as much.
Feeling skeptical? Fact: even the most cynical player will yell “Red! Orange! Yellow! Green! Blue! Indigo! VIOLET!” by the end of the the first round.
Get ready for fur-ious, flipping, family fun with the adorable Rainbow Bunnies — Blossom, Butters, Cupcake, & Douglas.
- FAST-PACED FAMILY FUN: Rainbow Bunny Bop is a quick and chaotic rainbow sequencing game that is loved by kids and adults alike.
- EASY TO LEARN AND QUICK TO PLAY: Takes only a few minutes to learn. Each round runs 2-5 minutes. Best for 2-4 players.
- BECOME OBSESSED: Gameplay is easy to learn and quick to master. The chaotic nature of the game and the challenge of rainbow sequencing keeps you coming back for ONE MORE ROUND!